sky in the deep

Format reviewed: Audio

Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young

Sky in the Deep is an amazing, well written book based on Viking lore. It is an incredibly rich well told story about a young Aska warrior, Eelyn.  The story begins on the battlefield where once again the Aska face off against their traditional enemy, the Riki. Five years previously, Eelyn lost her brother Iri in this same spot. During battle she thinks she sees her brother. How could it be? Is it a ghost?  Eelyn is captured by the enemy when she goes in search of her brother.

We learn of her friendships, loyalties, and beliefs. We see the everyday tasks and routines.  The violence and brutality of their hard way of life is shared, as well as Eelyn’s fears and loves. I listened to the audio book version and the narrator did an excellent job.  The story is told from Eelyn’s point of view. The character is very well developed and who Eelyn is propels the story forward.

The pacing of the story is good. There was no “dull zone.” I often listen to audio books while walking the dog. I found myself sitting and listening to the story even after the walk was long over. It is very captivating. Don’t start it when you would have to soon put it down.

There are many stories. There are fewer really good ones.  Only a rare few of the really good ones speak beyond the story to larger issues. Sky in the Deep is one of those rare stories. Highly recommended.